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With more than 1.4 million residents, the Bronx sees heavy traffic. Attractions in the borough also bring local and out-of-state visitors to The Bronx.
As a result, the Bronx sits third among New York City boroughs for traffic accidents despite only having the fourth-largest population. These traffic accidents tend to cluster around the busiest roads and intersections.
This article looks at some of the most dangerous roads and intersections in the Bronx, NY.
Oresky & Associates, PLLC, was founded in 1992. Over the past 30 years, the firm’s Bronx car accident lawyers have recovered over $400 million in compensation for accident victims.
The firm has extensive experience litigating car accident cases in The Bronx and has won several multi-million dollar cases, including:
Contact us to schedule a free consultation today or give us a call at (718) 993-9999 to discuss what an experienced lawyer from Oresky & Associates can do for you in the Bronx, New York.
The Bronx had over 13.380 traffic accidents in 2021, causing 5.752 injuries and killing 23. Those who died in traffic accidents in the Bronx included five pedestrians and three bicyclists.
The Bronx has a low traffic accident fatality rate considering its large population. In 2021, The Bronx had 1.6 traffic deaths per 100.000 residents. The U.S. national average is about 11.0 traffic deaths per 100.000. This figure means that drivers in the Bronx are much less likely to get into fatal car accidents than drivers in the rest of the country.
Your likelihood of getting into a car accident will depend on several factors, including your driving habits. Speeding, distracted driving, and failing to yield at intersections are leading causes of accidents in the Bronx.
Other causes of accidents fall outside your control. Traffic congestion, road and weather conditions, and other drivers can lead to an accident even when you drive with the greatest care.
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Traffic accidents tend to cluster around a few roads and intersections. The reasons underlying each hotspot vary depending on the location. Poor visibility, lack of traffic controls, and congestion contribute to the risk of a traffic accident. These conditions will largely depend on the location.
Some locations that experience an increased risk of accidents include:
The Bronx River Parkway sees a high number of traffic accidents. One hotspot near the offramp to East 177th Street saw 13 crashes in 2021. These accidents injured 21 motorists and killed one motorist.
Accidents in this location happen largely due to speed and congestion. The speed limit near this exit is 35 miles per hour, but the speed limit on the exit ramp drops to 15 miles per hour as it curves sharply before merging with East 177th Street. The exit ramp is short, leading to congestion that can sometimes backup onto the parkway.
Liability for these accidents will vary with the type of accident. However, when one vehicle rear-ends another, liability usually falls on the driver of the rear vehicle.
As one of the main thoroughfares through the Bronx, the Cross Bronx Expressway gets busy. It also has some of the highest speed limits in NYC.
Near the exit for Jerome Avenue, the Cross Bronx Expressway had 13 accidents that injured 24 motorists and killed one. The speed limit in this area is 50 miles per hour, and this exit sees heavy traffic throughout the day.
Jerome Avenue is one of The Bronx’s busiest and most crowded roads. Running under the IRT Jerome Avenue subway line’s tracks, traffic is usually bumper to bumper through long segments of this road.
At Clifford Place, cross-traffic must merge into traffic on Jerome Avenue, and pedestrians often try to cross at the intersection. However, this intersection has no traffic controls. These conditions led to four crashes in 2021, injuring five motorists and killing one motorist and one pedestrian.
Most of the accidents at this intersection result from a failure of traffic on Clifford Place to yield to traffic on Jerome Avenue. Any driver on Clifford Place who pushes into traffic will potentially be liable for any damages caused.
University Avenue runs past Bronx Community College and several public schools. Near Burnside Avenue, University Avenue serves four schools within one block. This area sees many pedestrian and bicycle accidents due to the presence of students. These accidents are particularly prone to causing brain and spinal cord injuries.
This area saw six crashes in 2021 that injured five bicyclists and one pedestrian. In many accidents along University Avenue, a vehicle driver bears liability due to their failure to yield to a pedestrian or cyclist.