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New York Motorcycle Accident Lawyers

Over$500 million Won!*

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Setting the Standard for NYC Motorcycle Accident Litigation Since 1992

For over three decades, Oresky & Associates, PLLC has been on the side of owners and operators of motorcycles in accident litigation in New York City. Our commitment to motorcyclists' rights has earned us a reputation for excellence. With our deep understanding of the claims process, combined with tailor-made legal strategies, our team of lawyers has recovered more than $500 million in settlements and verdicts. 

Our NYC personal injury attorneys have what it takes to win your motorcycle accident claim. You can’t go wrong with partnering with our firm. From the very beginning, we trust you’ll feel much-needed relief about your case’s outcome. Call (718) 993-9999 for a free consultation. 

Motorcycle Accident Statistics in New York in 2024

In the first month of 2024, New York City saw 7.438 motor vehicle accidents–involving more than 15.000 people and resulting in 3.042 injuries and fatalities. 

A further breakdown of collision data from the New York Police Department (NYPD) is as follows: 

  • Of the five boroughs, Brooklyn saw the most motor vehicle collisions, with 2.491 crashes in January 2024. Staten Island saw the least, with just 422 in that same period. 
  • Driver inattention caused the most accidents, accounting for 1.975 crashes. 
  • Out of the 7.438 collisions in January 2024, 222 involved motorcycles. 

We Advocate for Seriously Injured Motorcyclists in NYC 

There’s no personal injury claim or lawsuit too complex for the team at Oresky & Associates, PLLC. If you suffered a life-altering accident, we want to learn your story and build a case that holds the negligent party accountable. Over the years, we’ve recovered millions in settlements and verdicts for motorcyclists suffering from: 

  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs): Motorcycle riders are vulnerable to head injuries, which can result in TBIs. These injuries may lead to cognitive impairment, memory loss, and long-term disability.
  • Spinal cord injuries: A motorcycle crash can cause spinal cord damage, leading to paralysis, loss of sensation, and mobility limitations.
  • Fractures and broken bones: High-impact collisions often result in fractures and broken bones, affecting limbs, ribs, and facial bones.
  • Road rash: The abrasions caused by sliding on the road can lead to road rash, causing severe skin injuries, infections, and scarring.
  • Internal injuries: Motorcycle accidents can also cause internal injuries, such as organ damage, internal bleeding, and punctured lungs.
  • Amputations: In some cases, the severity of injuries may necessitate amputation of limbs.

Financial compensation should reflect the trauma, inconvenience, and limitations of a serious injury. Our team intends to pursue nothing less than a maximum recovery when handling your NYC motorcycle accident claim. 

Our NYC Lawyers Handle Your Motorcycle Accident Case

In the aftermath of your motorcycle accident, you deserve this time to focus on your health, family, and well-being. The last thing you want to take on is a complex personal injury claim. When you entrust your legal matters to Oresky & Associates, PLLC, your case becomes our cause. We handle everything that goes into recovering fair compensation, such as: 

  • Investigating your collision. We don’t take the insurance company’s word for what happened. It has a vested interest in denying or undervaluing your claim. We gather compelling evidence that proves liability, empowering us to secure the highest possible settlement. 
  • Assessing your losses. Your NYC motorcycle accident attorney evaluates your case from multiple angles, identifying your recoverable past, present, and future losses.
  • Filing your motorcycle accident claim. Insurance-related matters can quickly get complicated following a motorcycle crash, especially. Trust our law firm to identify the liable policy, then handle all negotiations to recover damages. 
  • Initiating and completing a lawsuit, if necessary. Some personal injury attorneys shy away from litigation. But not Oresky & Associates, PLLC. Our lawyers rely on their decades of experience to advocate for your rights at trial.  

Connect with Our Personal Injury Lawyers for Free Today 

Trust our New York City injury attorneys to implement a customized legal strategy that puts your need for compensation first. Start your complimentary consultation when you dial (718) 993-9999. 

Free Consultation

We Investigate the Cause of Your NYC Motorcycle Accident 

Learning the cause of your motorcycle accident plays a critical role in your pursuit of compensation. That’s because our findings reveal fault and liability for your injury-related losses. Your legal team will review the police report, interview witnesses, and if necessary, consult accident reconstruction specialists to identify your collision’s cause. 

The NYPD notes that common causes of motorcycle accidents throughout the five boroughs include: 

  • Distracted driving: Motorists who engage in distracted driving behaviors, such as texting or using a mobile device, can be held legally responsible for accidents caused by their inattention.
  • Failure to yield: Drivers who fail to yield the right of way to motorcycles in accordance with traffic laws can face liability for any collisions they cause. 
  • Tailgating. Although motorists in NYC frequently face bumper-to-bumper traffic, everyone must refrain from following too closely. Tailgating gives motorists less braking time, leading to rear-end collisions that eject motorcyclists from their bikes. 
  • Speeding: The NYPD reports that in January 2024, speeding was attributed to 348 collisions. Motorists who don’t adhere to posted speed limits and changing traffic conditions can be financially liable for resulting accidents. 

Other causes of motorcycle accidents in New York City include unsafe passing, intoxication, and disregarding traffic signals. 

Most Common Types of Motorcycle Accidents in New York City 

Motorcycle accidents encompass a spectrum of scenarios, each demanding a specific legal approach. Our team at Oresky & Associates, PLLC has extensive experience handling: 

  • Intersection collisions: Collisions can arise when cars or trucks fail to yield the right of way to motorcycles at intersections, leading to side-impact collisions (also known as “T-bone” collisions). 
  • Hit-and-run collisions. You have financial recovery options, even if the other party fled the accident scene and is never identified. Our motorcycle accident lawyers in NYC can evaluate your coverage options and explain what comes next. 
  • Rear-end accidents: These collisions can inflict deadly injuries on motorcyclists, as rear-end collisions can eject the rider from their bike. Motorists can cause rear-end collisions when they follow too closely, don’t keep their eyes on the road, or speed.
  • Head-on collisions: Another vehicle may have collided with your motorcycle head-on. Common causes of head-on collisions include intoxication, unclear lane dividers, and inattention. 
  • Sideswipe accidents: Motorists must take special care when merging into lanes or turning, as they can strike motorcyclists and cause grievous injuries. 
  • Dooring accidents. When someone parks on the street, they must ensure they don’t open their door into oncoming traffic and impede motorcyclists’ lanes. 

Compensable Damages in Your Motorcycle Crash Claim 

Over the past 30 years, our attorneys in New York City have cultivated a reputation based on securing favorable outcomes for injured claimants. We’ve recovered millions for more victims of car accidents, trucking collisions, and other incidents. 

Our team is committed to recovering a fair settlement that accounts for your economic and non-economic losses, which may include: 

Medical expenses.

You can claim reimbursement for all reasonable and necessary medical treatment, including hospital bills, surgeries, medication, rehabilitation, and ongoing injury-related healthcare costs. 

Lost wages.

If your injuries resulted in missed workdays or a reduced earning capacity, we can secure compensation for lost paychecks, tips, benefits, and bonuses. 

Property damage expenses.

Compensation for damage to your motorcycle, protective gear, and personal belongings damaged in the accident.

Out-of-pocket injury-related expenses.

Your injuries may have required you to secure child care services, temporary transportation arrangements, and in-home nursing care––all of which are compensable. 

Non-economic damages, including past and future pain and suffering.

Non-economic damages account for your physical pain, emotional distress, and mental anguish caused by the accident. 

Considerations After Your Motorbike Accident in New York City 

The following steps in the aftermath of your motorcycle collision could bolster your injury claim: 

Visit a healthcare provider.

Going to the doctor helps you access the treatment needed to reach maximum medical improvement. It also generates medical documentation (such as X-rays and other imaging scans) to bolster your claim. 

File an accident report.

If the police did not come to the accident scene, you must report the incident to the NY Department of Motor Vehicles. This document will establish the collision’s date, time, and location. 

Notify your insurance company.

Report the accident to your insurance company promptly. Provide factual information such as what is contained in the police report. 

Preserve all case-related evidence.

While our team will investigate the collision, you should save any important information related to your case. This may include emails with the insurance company, estimates for property damage repairs, and photos of the accident scene. 

Avoid mentioning your accident and injuries online.

Refrain from discussing the accident on social media or with other parties involved. The claims adjuster could access these posts and use them to jeopardize your case later. 

It Costs Nothing to Hire Our NYC Motorcycle Accident Lawyers 

After a motorcycle accident in New York, choosing a lawyer from Oresky & Associates, PLLC means no upfront legal fees. You only pay if you win. Our fees come as a percentage of your compensation, whether achieved through a settlement or court award. We believe that this approach ensures you get legal support without initial financial stress.

We’re available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to learn your story. 

How Long You Have to File a Lawsuit After a Motorcycle Accident in New York 

You don’t have long to file a motorcycle accident lawsuit in NY. Generally, you have three years from your collision’s date to initiate litigation. However, a two-year period applies if you’re filing a wrongful death lawsuit, except your filing period starts from the date of your loved one’s passing.  

Case-specific factors could give you more or less time to act. For example, if a government agency was involved in your accident, you could have 90 days to file your notice of claim. Your lawyer from Oresky & Associates, PLLC can explain your case’s deadline and file it on time. 

Do You Have to Go to Court for a Motorcycle Accident?

The majority of motorcycle accident cases never go to court, and the same could apply to your case. If the insurance company is willing to play fair, and liability is straightforward, we could resolve your case through negotiations. However, some factors could compel your lawyer to file a lawsuit and ask a judge to consider the matter. 

A personal injury lawsuit could be a suitable route if: 

  • The statute of limitations is drawing near, and an out-of-court settlement does not seem feasible. 
  • The liable party’s insurance carrier refuses to negotiate in good faith. The insurer may unjustly blame you for what happened, hoping to limit how much it pays out. We rely on our experience and legal prowess to counteract these baseless claims.

Trust your motorcycle accident lawyer from Oresky & Associates, PLLC to determine what’s best for your personal injury case. Don’t feel discouraged at the idea of filing a lawsuit. It might not be necessary, and if it is, our legal team handles everything. 

What if the Other Driver Blames You for the Accident?

If the other party blames you for the accident, your lawyer employs a multi-pronged approach to refute their allegations, such as: 

  • Presenting compelling evidence. Through the use of available video of the accident, eyewitness testimony, and accident reconstruction data, we can identify the at-fault party and protect your right to compensation. 
  • If Necessary We Will Argue for the Most Beneficial Apportionment of Fault. In short, we don’t let allegations of fault discourage injured claimants from seeking damages. When confronted with arguments that it was not just the offending vehicle that caused the accident but that some fault lies with the motorcycle operator we will still maximize your recovery by asserting the best possible view of the evidence on your behalf.

In short, we don’t let allegations of fault discourage injured claimants from seeking damages. 

What if the Other Driver Blames You for the Accident?

Do Motorcyclists Get No-Fault Insurance Benefits?

In New York, motorcyclists are generally not eligible for no-fault insurance benefits. No-fault insurance typically covers medical expenses, lost wages, and other related costs for individuals involved in motor vehicle accidents. However, this coverage is typically available for occupants of cars and other four-wheeled vehicles but not for motorcyclists.

It's essential to understand your insurance coverage and legal options in the event of an accident. Consult with our motorcycle accident attorneys today and learn more.  

Understanding Your Legal Rights as an Injured Motorcyclist

You have many rights as an injured motorcyclist. Two include: 

  • The right to recover compensation. You can pursue both economic and non-economic damages in the aftermath of a motorcycle accident. These can include past and future pain and suffering, along with healthcare costs. 
  • The right to have your claim processed fairly. You have the right to have your motorcycle accident claim processed in good faith by the insurance company that provides coverage to the at-fault motorist.

You also have the right to comprehensive legal representation. With advocacy from Oresky & Associates, PLLC, you can rest assured that we’re upholding your rights throughout the claims process. 

Can You File a Wrongful Death Lawsuit After a Fatal Accident?

Depending on your relationship with the deceased, you could benefit from filing a wrongful death claim or lawsuit. Only a personal representative of the decedent’s estate can file a lawsuit and recover compensation on behalf of surviving beneficiaries. The personal representative is generally named in the decedent’s will or appointed by the court system. 

Beneficiaries can include the decedent’s spouse, children, and parents. Keep in mind that for your lawsuit to remain valid, you must file it in accordance with the state’s statute of limitations. Our wrongful death attorneys in NYC can evaluate your case and chart your next steps. 

Can You File a Wrongful Death Lawsuit After a Fatal Accident?

How Does Distracted Driving Affect Your Motorcycle Accident Claim?

If a distracted driver caused your motorcycle accident, you can hold them financially accountable for your losses. To compel compensation, your motorcycle accident lawyer must prove negligence, which includes demonstrating: 

  • Duty of care. All motorists have an obligation (known as a “duty of care”) to operate their vehicles with reasonable caution. This involves refraining from distracted driving. 
  • Breach of duty. The other driver engaged in behavior that put others’ safety at risk. 
  • Causation. This inattention caused your accident and injuries. 
  • Damages. You have accident-related economic and non-economic losses. 

Your lawyer proves these elements on your behalf. 

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    Why Trust Oresky & Associates, PLLC to Litigate Your Motorcycle Accident Case

    Why partner with our NYC motorcycle accident lawyers? Just read what previous clients have shared:

    “I would like to say from the bottom of my heart that since I began to work with this office I have felt like they are my family. I never felt tense in dealing with these people that love their jobs.” 

    “Jacob Oresky took my case and helped me in every step of the way. He made sure that the insurance company paid all my medical expenses and that I was compensated.” 

    “They settled my case in less than a year. Call them.”

    We Offer a Free Initial Consultation

    We offer a free, no-obligation consultation to discuss your case and assess its merits. This initial meeting allows us to understand your situation and provide guidance about moving forward.

    We Are Available 24/7

    Accidents can happen at any time. That's why we're available around the clock to provide legal assistance when you want it most.

    Your Legal Status Doesn't Matter

    Regardless of your legal status, we're committed to fighting for your rights and securing the compensation you deserve. We provide legal representation to those in need.

    No Fee Unless We Win

    We understand the financial strain that can result from a motorcycle accident. That's why we operate on a contingency fee basis. You don't pay any legal fees unless we secure compensation.

    Meet Our NYC Personal Injury Attorneys

    I am so appreciative of Oresky and Associates! They are professional, knowledgeable and always responsive to all of my calls. They made me feel very comfortable with each step of the process and worked hard to achieve the best outcome. I couldn’t be happier and will always highly recommend!

    Cristina Martínez Quevedo

    Excellent law firm. Steven Labell, a highly skilled attorney at the firm is a dedicated advocate for his clients. I highly recommend their services.

    Steven Eisner

    Oresky is a great attorney who really listens and helps his clients. I have referred to multiple family members and friends and everyone has been very happy with their services. His staff is knowledgeable and caring. If you've suffered and accident don't hesitate, call Oresky.


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    Start the Road to Recovery with Our NYC Motorcycle Accident Lawyers

    If you suffered a motorcycle accident in New York City, don't wait. Contact Oresky & Associates, PLLC for a free consultation.

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